A complaint filed with elections officials claims the conservative Koch Brothers-financed political group Americans for Prosperity violated campaign laws by sending out mailers calling Gov. Steve Bullock “reckless” and criticizing a state senator’s record after they could legally send these types of advertisements.  AFP-Montana sent fliers criticizing Bullock for the expansion of Medicaid and Billings Sen. Robyn Driscoll scoring an “F” on a “freedom” scorecard.


The complaint was filed by Scott Skokos of Billings, who received the fliers after the 60-day window allowing groups to send out “issue advocacy” ads.  But the state’s Disclose Act requires the disclosure of spending on “electioneering communications”, defined as paid communication that is publicly distributed, made within 60 days of voting; is received by more than 100 people; and refers to a candidate's name or likeness; a political party or ballot issue.  The ads show photos and use the names of Bullock and Driscoll.

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