
Kitty With Magnetic Collar Is Accidental Cat Burglar
Kitty With Magnetic Collar Is Accidental Cat Burglar
Kitty With Magnetic Collar Is Accidental Cat Burglar
Milo is undoubtedly the world's cutest thief. Her whiskers. Her paws. Her prancing about the neighborhood, going into random houses willy-nilly and accidentally stealing a bunch of stuff. Adorable. Unless of course you're the owner of one of the 20 sets of keys she's stolen over the past week.
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
Photobombs are the (often intoxicated) work of a dude who stealthily weasels his way into your photographs, completely marring what would've been a nice clean picture of you and your boo on your romantic vacation. But it doesn't stop here. This snapshot wrecking ball genius has pets.